A little number converter which let you convert between decimal, hex, binary and octal
Symbian Store will close on July 1st this year. The ability to register a new account is now disabled. We recommend existing and new developers to move over to AppList. Thank you to all the developers and users who have been a part of Symbian Store.
A little number converter which let you convert between decimal, hex, binary and octal
This app can: – Launch WhatsApp – Close WhatsApp (kills all processes and notifications , it's won't startup again by [...]
With CloseWhatsApp you can close WhatsApp with just one touch. It won't startup again by itself or notifications, it's completly [...]
A simple shortcut to lock your phone. This app can extend the life of your lock key and works always. [...]
This app has no UI, just a little CAknDiscreetPopup to show it did run. it kills following processes: – smart2go.exe [...]